Drqueue is a distributed rendering queue. It helps manage jobs on a render farm. It works under Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, IRIX, and Windows, supports Maya, Blender, Lightwave, Mental Ray, Bmrt (Renderman), 3Delight, and Pixie out of the box, and can support any other renderer or computing task that can be handled via scripting.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), MacOS X, No Input/Output (Daemon), Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Cygwin, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering, System :: Clustering/Distributed Networks
PTlink IRC Services
PTlink IRC Services provides channel/nick registration services for IRC networks. Specially developed for the PTlink IRC Server, it uses modules and includes features like channel roles and nick groups for privilege management. The data backend is a MySQL database.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: Chat
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: Chat
Floranta provides tools to build collaborative real-time discussion boards, notice boards, and extended chat services that can be embedded in Web pages. It also includes extreme programming tools that allow users to create index cards, drop them on tables and move them, and conduct a distributed planning game collaboratively in real time.
[Environment] Web Environment, Web Mozilla
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, Perl
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: BBS, Communications :: Chat, Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat, Communications :: Conferencing, Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale, Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: News/Diary, Other/Nonlisted Topic, Utilities
[Environment] Web Environment, Web Mozilla
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, Perl
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: BBS, Communications :: Chat, Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat, Communications :: Conferencing, Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale, Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: News/Diary, Other/Nonlisted Topic, Utilities
Gallery Mage
Gallery Mage is a client side photo gallery management system designed to work with online gallery display scripts such as SPGM. Using Gallery Mage, one can select, caption, rotate, crop, resize, and upload photos taken with a digital camera to an online photo gallery. The rotate, crop, and resize parameters are stored as text data with the images, and the operations are only performed on a copy of the photo while exporting, thus preserving the original picture files. Gallery Mage provides abstraction from the online display software.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
OpenSC consists of a SmartCard library that uses any common transport API (e.g. PC/SC, CT-API, OpenCT) as its backend and applications that use the library. It has been tested extensively on Finnish Electronic Identity (FINEID) cards, but a number of other PKCS #15 and ISO 7816 compatible cards work too. Also implemented are a PKCS #11 module (e.g. for Mozilla Web/email usage), a PAM module, somewhat working OpenSSH support, an OpenSSL engine, a few basic tools, and a PKCS #15 structure generation tool for supported cards.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Plugins
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security, Security :: Cryptography
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Plugins
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security, Security :: Cryptography
Open Test Manager
Open Test Manager aims to be a simple tool for managing test cases using a central database. It uses a Web-based user interface and an embedded database.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Testing
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Testing
OpenAIS is an open source implementation of the SA Forum (www.saforum.org) Application Interface Specification based upon extended virtual synchrony. The project currently implements APIs for application failover, application defined checkpointing, application eventing, extended virtual synchrony, and cluster membership. With this software it is possible to write redundant applications that tolerate hardware, operating system, and application faults.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Network Environment] IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Network Environment] IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
IT Manager's Journal: Why SugarCRM is Quickly Establishing Itself as an Open Source Leader
"SugarCRM is taking steps to push open source business apps to a new level, adding a raft of new upgrades to its open source customer relationship management (CRM) platform.
"Sugar Suite 3.0, which will be available April 30, will add a wide range of sales-savvy support tools, including campaign management, email marketing, document management, sales forecasting, and even a wireless access option for access from the road. The new features are built on top of SugarCRM's core open source sales force automation (SFA) and CRM platform..."
Complete Story
"Sugar Suite 3.0, which will be available April 30, will add a wide range of sales-savvy support tools, including campaign management, email marketing, document management, sales forecasting, and even a wireless access option for access from the road. The new features are built on top of SugarCRM's core open source sales force automation (SFA) and CRM platform..."
Complete Story
OS3Grid is a Javascript component that allows users to create and use spreadsheet-like grids on a Web site. It is both flexible and powerful, with a rich set of features and an easy to use API for the developer. OS3Grid works well with Mozilla 1.6+, Internet Explorer 5.5+, and FireFox.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Lucane is a free groupware platform written in Java, designed with extensibility in mind. Some applications are bundled with the platform, like a peer to peer quick message service, client/server and peer to peer file sharing, shared drawing, multi-user chat, audioconf, forums, a shared calendar, and more. The platform as a whole provides easy development for your networked applications with an object based network protocol, client/server and peer to peer integration, user and groups management, internationalization, and more.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Other Environment, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft, Microsoft :: Windows, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Office/Business :: Groupware, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Other Environment, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft, Microsoft :: Windows, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Office/Business :: Groupware, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
sMArTH is an equation editor built on open Web standards. The editor itself uses a SVG interface and the application logic is implemented in ECMAScript using the DOM. Both MathML and LaTeX are supported as exporting formats in addition to the SVG format. The most important mathematical content from both LaTeX and MathML is already provided, and this should cover the need of the majority of users. The graphical user interface allows even the most complex equations to be built with simple "Point and Click" techniques instead of writing convoluted typesetting code.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based, Scientific/Engineering, Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based, Scientific/Engineering, Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML
Gourmet Recipe Manager
Gourmet Recipe Manager is a simple but powerful recipe managing application that is intended for the GNOME desktop environment, but should work on any platform that Gtk supports. It allows you to collect, search, and organize your recipes, and to automatically generate shopping lists from your collection. It aims to make it easy to enter and organize your recipes with an intuitive interface.
[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Gnome, X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: Gnome, Information Management
[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Gnome, X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: Gnome, Information Management
Linux sysmask
Sysmask is a security package for Linux systems that can prevent arbitrary malicious codes from causing permanent damage. It protects the system against daemon exploits and user accounts against viruses and worms, whether known or unknown, without requiring the recompilation of existing software.
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security, System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security, System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux
Tiger Envelopes
Tiger Envelopes makes cryptography work with almost any email software. It is a personal mail proxy server with automatic encryption. Tiger uses SMTP and POP3 to work with almost any mail client, crypto plugins to work with almost any type of cryptography, and Java to run on almost any operating system. Plugins for Bouncy Castle, GPG, and PGP are included.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Email :: Filters, Security :: Cryptography
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Email :: Filters, Security :: Cryptography
Insipid is a Web-based bookmark repository (or a linkblog) inspired from the popular Delicious site. It supports RSS feeds, private entries, and importing and exporting of the bookmarks.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Information Management
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Information Management
sitecopy allows you to easily maintain remote Web sites. The program will upload files to the server which have changed locally, and delete files from the server which have been removed locally, keeping the remote site synchronized. FTP and WebDAV are supported.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Khronos Group
The Khronos Group is a member-funded industry consortium focused on the creation of open standard, royalty-free APIs to enable the authoring and playback of dynamic media on a wide variety of platforms and devices. All Khronos members are able to contribute to the development of Khronos API specifications, are empowered to vote at various stages before public deployment, and are able to accelerate the delivery of their cutting-edge 3D platforms and applications through early access to specification drafts and conformance tests
UltraSMS is a utility for sending and receiving mobile phone SMS messages to and from a MySQL database. UltraSMS was created as an inexpensive solution for enabling SMS in Web (or other) applications as easily as possible for the developer.
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications
flexTPS (flexible TelePresence System) is a software system designed to enable the remote viewing and robotic control of live video over the Internet without requiring any software beyond a web browser on the user's computer.
* Development Status: 4 - Beta
* Environment: Web Environment
* Intended Audience: Education, Science/Research
* License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
* Natural Language: English
* Operating System: Linux
* Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Perl
* Topic: Dynamic Content, HTTP Servers, Display
* Development Status: 4 - Beta
* Environment: Web Environment
* Intended Audience: Education, Science/Research
* License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
* Natural Language: English
* Operating System: Linux
* Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Perl
* Topic: Dynamic Content, HTTP Servers, Display
Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines.
Solipsis is a public territory and not a privately owned space. Also, as Solipsis is open source, everybody can enhance the protocols and contribute to the Creation. The world does not pre-exist, it is empty and only the user will fill it by create and run entities. The best approximation of Solipsis may be Neal Stephenson's Metaverse∞.
The shared virtual worlds of nowadays MMORPG strongly rely on privately owned servers. These servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability. Moreover, these servers bound the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis resolves these problems. Moreover, it is free and open-source.
* Development Status: 3 - Alpha
* Environment: No Input/Output (Daemon), Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
* Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop, Science/Research
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* Natural Language: English, French
* Operating System: OS Independent
* Programming Language: Python
* Topic: Internet
Solipsis is a public territory and not a privately owned space. Also, as Solipsis is open source, everybody can enhance the protocols and contribute to the Creation. The world does not pre-exist, it is empty and only the user will fill it by create and run entities. The best approximation of Solipsis may be Neal Stephenson's Metaverse∞.
The shared virtual worlds of nowadays MMORPG strongly rely on privately owned servers. These servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability. Moreover, these servers bound the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis resolves these problems. Moreover, it is free and open-source.
* Development Status: 3 - Alpha
* Environment: No Input/Output (Daemon), Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
* Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop, Science/Research
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* Natural Language: English, French
* Operating System: OS Independent
* Programming Language: Python
* Topic: Internet
Classic Forum
The Classic Forum is a classical threaded forum that consists of a daemon that holds all data in RAM and client programs that query the daemon or use shared memory to retrieve the data. It's designed to be very fast and flexible and has a very well designed plugin interface. The user interface features 72 configuration options and includes very nifty filtering options.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: Artistic License
[Programming Language] C, Perl
[Topic] Communications, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: Artistic License
[Programming Language] C, Perl
[Topic] Communications, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
TunaPie is a directory browser for internet radio and TV streams. At present, it uses the shoutcast server, but compatibility with other services is planned. Tunapie allows you to search for streams and then launch your audio player (xmms) or NSV viewer (mplayer) of choice. It also allows recording of audio and video streams using streamripper.
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Multimedia :: Sound/Audio, Multimedia :: Video
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Multimedia :: Sound/Audio, Multimedia :: Video
MUSCLE (Multi User Server Client Linking Environment)
MUSCLE (Multi User Server Client Linking Environment) is an N-way messaging server and networking API. It is portable to any OS with a POSIX TCP sockets API and a modern C++ compiler. The archive also contains client-side networking APIs for various languages, including C, C++, Java, C#, and Python. MUSCLE lets programs communicate over a network via streams of serialized Message objects (which are similar to BeOS's BMessages). The included server program ("muscled") lets its clients message each other and store information in its server-side hierarchical database. The database supports flexible queries via hierarchical wildcarding, and "live" updates via a subscription mechanism. It may also be customized via subclassing if application-specific server-side logic is needed.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Developers, System Administrators
[License] Freely Distributable, OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] BeOS, MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, OS Independent, POSIX
[Programming Language] C, C#, C++, Java, Python
[Topic] Communications, Database :: Database Engines/Servers, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Developers, System Administrators
[License] Freely Distributable, OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] BeOS, MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, OS Independent, POSIX
[Programming Language] C, C#, C++, Java, Python
[Topic] Communications, Database :: Database Engines/Servers, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
OpenFAQ is a PHP application that lets Webmasters administrate a Frequently Asked Questions section on their Web site. It has an admin section for easily adding questions and answers and editing the general configuration.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Utilities
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Utilities
ESP Ghostscript
ESP Ghostscript is a customized version of GPL Ghostscript that includes an enhanced autoconf-based configuration script, the CUPS raster driver to support CUPS raster printer drivers, and additional patches and drivers from various Linux distributors.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, POSIX, POSIX :: AIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: GNU/Hurd, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, POSIX :: SCO, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Printing
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, POSIX, POSIX :: AIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: GNU/Hurd, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, POSIX :: SCO, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Printing
PdfRipImage is a utility to extract images from .pdf files and convert them to the format of your choice. It is really a front-end for 'pdfimages' from Xpdf and 'pnmto*' from netpbm. The program is available as a command line shell script and a GNOME graphical version.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, Unix Shell
[Topic] Artistic Software, Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion, Utilities
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, Unix Shell
[Topic] Artistic Software, Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion, Utilities
MoBlog is a script for mobile blogging using email. All attachments are retained in their attached order. Image attachments will be rendered inline, and other attachments will have a link to the file rendered. It supports the Blogger and MetaWeblog XML-RPC APIs.
[Environment] Handheld :: Mobile Phone
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Ruby
[Topic] Communications :: Email, Internet :: WWW/HTTP
[Environment] Handheld :: Mobile Phone
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Ruby
[Topic] Communications :: Email, Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Tambur Messaging Gateway
Tambur Messaging Gateway is an SMS/MMS messaging gateway. Feature highlights include support for most SMSC/MMSC protocols, an advanced message router, complete Web-based management, and support for billing.
[License] OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Telephony
[License] OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Telephony
kdissert is a mind-mapping tool to help students write texts such as dissertations, theses, and reports. It features both a mindmap view and a linear view, and several document generators (LaTeX text and slides, OpenOffice.org writer, HTML, and plain text).
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Education, Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization, Text Processing
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Education, Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization, Text Processing
Syntext Serna: Portable True WYSIWYG XML Editor
Syntext Serna is an XSL-on-the-fly WYSIWYG XML document editor. During the editing process, it renders XML documents according to XSL stylesheets (e.g., a Docbook XSL stylesheet similar to the Norman Walsh one). As a result, authors constantly see rendered and transformed content which looks similar to the final presentation. It also provides on-the-fly XML schema validation and extensive entity support.
[Environment] MacOS X, X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] Free To Use But Restricted, Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
[Environment] MacOS X, X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] Free To Use But Restricted, Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
GNU Virtual Private Ethernet
GNU VPE creates a virtual ethernet by creating host-to-host tunnels between multiple endpoints. Unlike other virtual private "network" solutions which merely create a single tunnel, it creates a real network with multiple endpoints. It is designed to be conceptually simple and straightforward to setup (assuming prior IP routing knowledge) without sacrificing flexibility. It is designed to sit on the gateway machines of company branches to connect them, but it can also be used to tunnel into a VPN with a variety of protocols (RAW IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, HTTPS-Proxy, DNS).
[Environment] Console (Text Based), No Input/Output (Daemon), Other Environment
[Intended Audience] Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP, IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] MacOS, Microsoft, Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] Communications, Internet, System, System :: Clustering/Distributed Networks, System :: Networking, Utilities
[Environment] Console (Text Based), No Input/Output (Daemon), Other Environment
[Intended Audience] Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP, IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] MacOS, Microsoft, Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] Communications, Internet, System, System :: Clustering/Distributed Networks, System :: Networking, Utilities
KMediaFactory is easy to use template-based DVD authoring tool for KDE. You can quickly create DVD menus for home videos and TV recordings in three simple steps. The actual authoring is done with tools like dvdauthor, ffmpeg, ImageMagick and others.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Video
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Video
Dictator is a program for on-screen reading of text files, developed with the intention of making it easier to read some of the fine electronic texts available on the net, such as those produced by The Gutenberg Project. The problem with these texts is that reading them on screen is not particularly pleasant and printing them out is even less pleasant. Dictator employs the Rapid Serial Visual Projection (RSVP) method of displaying words consecutively in the same place, at a user-controllable rate. In theory, this method prevents unconscious re-reading of adjacent text and decreases the tendency of the reader to oralise the text, allowing for increased reading speeds. It also allows the use of larger fonts for text display which improves text clarity.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Education, Information Management, Text Editors, Utilities
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Python
[Topic] Education, Information Management, Text Editors, Utilities
Teamwork is a Web-based application specifically for team work management. It improves worklife quality by helping production cycle information flow management via stage coordination and allocating tasks to everyone involved. As an application, it combines document management, groupware, and project management features with fine-grained area and role-based security. It supports multiple databases (via hibernate), browsers, and languages, and is skinnable.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business
The Agile Alliance
The Agile Alliance is a non-profit organization that supports individuals and organizations who use agile approaches to develop software. Driven by the simple priorities articulated in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, agile development approaches deliver value to organizations and end users faster and with higher quality.
The Open For Business Project
The Open For Business Project is a set of tools and enterprise applications including ERP, CRM, e-commerce, SCM, MRP, and CMMS/EAM. It uses a service oriented architecture and tools to automate all aspects of application development and maintenance.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript, Prolog
[Topic] Database :: Front-Ends, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business, Office/Business :: Financial, Office/Business :: Office Suites, Office/Business :: Scheduling, Software Development, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript, Prolog
[Topic] Database :: Front-Ends, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business, Office/Business :: Financial, Office/Business :: Office Suites, Office/Business :: Scheduling, Software Development, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Consultant Communicator
Consultant Communicator (ConsultComm) is a lightweight, cross-platform program that allows anyone managing multiple projects, clients, or tasks to effectively keep track of exactly how much time has been spent on each project.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Office/Business :: Scheduling
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Office/Business :: Scheduling
The OPEN-XCHANGE Collaboration and Integration Server Environment allows you to store appointments, contacts, tasks, email messages, bookmarks, documents, and many more elements, and share them with other users. It can be accessed via any modern Web browser and multiple fat clients like MS Outlook, Palm devices, KDE Kontact, Apple's iCAL, Konqueror, Mozilla Calendar, any many more, based on open standards and interfaces. Third party products can access this application over many different interfaces such as WebDAV (XML), LDAP, iCal, an API, and HTTP/S.
[Environment] MacOS X, Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS, POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, Java
[Topic] Communications :: Conferencing, Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA), Information Management, Information Management :: Document Repositories, Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Office/Business, Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Scheduling
[Environment] MacOS X, Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS, POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, Java
[Topic] Communications :: Conferencing, Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA), Information Management, Information Management :: Document Repositories, Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Office/Business, Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Scheduling
Web-Analiser is a script to gather and analyze statistics of Website traffic. It provides the whole gamut of every possible statistics and reports, which analyze visitors, pages, and Website traffic. It is designed to operate both one and several domains (Websites) at once. The statistics are maintained, in which each Website dealt with separately and together. It includes a great number of statistical reports, making it possible to have a complete idea of your audience.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] Other/Proprietary License
[Programming Language] PHP, SQL
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] Other/Proprietary License
[Programming Language] PHP, SQL
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Page Counters, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking
Distributed Extreme Programming (XP) Planning on AgilePlace
XP is a lightweight software process that values people and communication over processes and tools. It exploits the benefits of tight collaboration in an environment in which all stakeholders sit within talking distance of one another and work in pairs. Extreme programming works extremely well in delivering great software because, first, it is fun to do, and second, it eliminates fear, promotes collective code ownership, and encourages frequent small releases. In fact, it also values working code over detailed designs. It is quite amazing that the last three or four values are in fact values shared with the Free/Open Source movement (see "The Cathedral and the Bazaar").
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Complete Story
Essential Firefox extensions you should download today
The Mozilla Foundation's Firefox browser is without a doubt an open source software success story. One of its strengths is the active development community that works to expand and improve the browser's functionality through the development of Firefox extensions -- small applications that add functionality to Firefox. Here are a few of my favorite extensions, all tested with Firefox 1.0.1 on Windows XP and Mandrakelinux.
Complete Story (Part 1)
Complete Story (Part 2)
Complete Story (Part 3)
Complete Story (Part 4)
Complete Story (Part 1)
Complete Story (Part 2)
Complete Story (Part 3)
Complete Story (Part 4)
TransfoDocbook is an application that converts XML Docbook documents into PDF files, or single/multiple HTML files. It can also use a personalized stylesheet to manipulate your own XML files.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: DocBook
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: DocBook
Visitors processes a Web log file, trying very hard to identify a single "person" as much as possible. This is typically achieved by the use of either an identifying cookie in the log file, or via the IP address, name, and browser ID combination.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
Check Website
Check Website is a performance monitoring and uptime notification tool. It will check if a Website is up, and check the response time of the site. The administrator can then choose to receive an email notification if the site is down, or if the site response time is too slow. All results are also written to a daily log file.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
jUploadr is a cross-platform Flickr uploader. It allows you to set all properties of a photo before you upload it to Flickr. It also supports batch editing, so that you can make short work of several files at once.
[Environment] MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Environment] MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
Oddjob is an open source Java job scheduler and job toolkit. It uses an XML configuration file to define a tree of jobs, allowing grouping and execution of branches. It can run standalone on a desktop or server, or embedded in client code. It provides a GUI monitor and the ability to connect to a remote instance over RMI. It is easily extendable, allowing programmers to develop their own jobs.
Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
anymeal is a cookbook database front-end. It can handle more than 100,000 recipes, and can search recipes for a given set of ingredients. It is designed to be lean and flexible.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Database :: Front-Ends
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Database :: Front-Ends
DevX: Subversion Delivers Version Control that CVS Can't
"The designers of Subversion have created an open-source version control tool that fixes the flaws and addresses shortcomings in the popular Concurrent Versions System (CVS) version control system. The following are the most significant and visible CVS flaws that Subversion rectifies:
* "CVS lacks directory versioning. It keeps track of only files, not directories.
* "CVS has weak support for the copy, rename, and delete operations on files, a result of the lack of directory versioning.
* "CVS lacks atomic commits..."
Complete Story
* "CVS lacks directory versioning. It keeps track of only files, not directories.
* "CVS has weak support for the copy, rename, and delete operations on files, a result of the lack of directory versioning.
* "CVS lacks atomic commits..."
Complete Story
WIKINDX is a multi-user, Internet-based bibliographic management system that allows users to search and share quotes, notes, and bibliographies. Bibliographies can be formatted for a variety of style guides (MLA, Harvard, APA, etc.). The program can export to Endnote, RIS, RTF, and BibTeX and import BibTeX and Endnote XML files.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Education, Information Management, Scientific/Engineering
[Translations] English
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Education, Information Management, Scientific/Engineering
[Translations] English
The Compound XML Document Editor
The Compound XML Document Editor, an Eclipse plug-in, provides for the creation, directed editing, and serialization of documents such as XHTML, XForms, XML Events, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), VoiceXML, and MathML. It uses Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) models to define the semantics of constructing documents spanning one or more namespace. Those semantics include the order and placement of elements, the allowable child elements, and available attributes for each element.
[License] Free for non-commercial use
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[License] Free for non-commercial use
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
Edukalibre is a project funded by the European Comission under the Socrates/Minerva program (aimed at the promotion of information and communications technology in education). Its main goal is to explore new ways of producing educational materials, based in the practices and procedures observed in the libre (free, open source) software development community.
pstoedit converts Postscript(TM) and PDF files to other vector graphic formats so that they can be edited graphically. The formats it can generate include tgif, fig, PDF, gnuplot, DXF, Java Applets, HPGL, WMF, EMF, LaTeX2e, SWF, and many others. pstoedit's framework can be used independantly by other programs.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
JabRef is a graphical Java application for managing bibtex (. bib) databases. It can import bibliographies in numerous formats, provides extensive searching, sorting, and grouping features, can automatically create bibtex keys, and can insert citations into LyX.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Database, Information Management, Scientific/Engineering, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Database, Information Management, Scientific/Engineering, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX
POPsearch is a desktop search engine that is designed to help you easily find information on your computer. With features that other search engines don't have,it lets you index your entire collection of email messages and files. As information is indexed, it is immediately available for analysis from any Web browser. When POPsearch is configured correctly, you can also access your data remotely from any computer that has a Web browser.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++, Unix Shell
[Topic] Database :: Database Engines/Servers, Information Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search, Text Processing :: Indexing, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++, Unix Shell
[Topic] Database :: Database Engines/Servers, Information Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search, Text Processing :: Indexing, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
Virtual Universe
The "Virtual Universe" is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just chat: it is a combination of the Web, chat, and instant messaging within a realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace. Here people can meet, interact with each other, and build houses and whole worlds. The "Virtual Universe" is a virtual reality environment which runs on top of the Internet.
[Environment] X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Gnome, X11 Applications :: GTK, X11 Applications :: KDE, X11 Applications :: Qt
[License] Freeware, Other/Proprietary License
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, Other OS, POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Topic] Communications :: Chat, Games/Entertainment, Multimedia :: Graphics
[Environment] X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: Gnome, X11 Applications :: GTK, X11 Applications :: KDE, X11 Applications :: Qt
[License] Freeware, Other/Proprietary License
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, Other OS, POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Topic] Communications :: Chat, Games/Entertainment, Multimedia :: Graphics
CodeWorker is a versatile parsing tool and a universal source code generator. It interprets a scripting language for producing reusable, tailor-made, evolving, and reliable IT systems with a high level of automation. The file formats to parse are described in an extended-BNF syntax. Template-based scripts drive the writing of patterns for generating code or text. The code generation knows how to preserve protected areas with hand-typed code and provides code expansion, source-to-source translation, and program transformation. It provides a native translation of CodeWorker's scripts in C++.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft, Microsoft :: MS-DOS, Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Cygwin, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 3.1 or Earlier, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries, Software Development :: Code Generators, Software Development :: Interpreters, Text Processing :: General, Utilities
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft, Microsoft :: MS-DOS, Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Cygwin, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 3.1 or Earlier, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries, Software Development :: Code Generators, Software Development :: Interpreters, Text Processing :: General, Utilities
Krusader is an advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE 3.x, but with many extras. It provides all the file-management features you could possibly want. It also features extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, an advanced search module, a text viewer/editor, directory synchronization, support for file content comparisons, powerful batch renaming, and much more. It supports the following archive formats: tar, zip, bzip2, gzip, rar, ace, arj, and rpm. It can also handle other KIOSlaves such as smb:// or fish://.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: File Managers, Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE), Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, System :: Archiving, System :: Systems Administration
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: File Managers, Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE), Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, System :: Archiving, System :: Systems Administration
Tiny ERP
Tiny ERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management software. The main functional features are: CRM and SRM, analytic and financial accounting, double-entry stock management, sales and purchases management, tasks automation, a help desk, marketing campaigns, and vertical modules for very specific businesses. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and a SOAP and XML-RPC interface.
[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications :: GTK
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Python, SQL
[Topic] Office/Business, Office/Business :: Financial, Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting, Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment, Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale, Office/Business :: Scheduling, Printing
[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications :: GTK
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Python, SQL
[Topic] Office/Business, Office/Business :: Financial, Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting, Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment, Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale, Office/Business :: Scheduling, Printing
Ace Operator
Ace Operator enables live interactions between company representatives and customers from the company Web site. It allows customers to contact live agents at the click of a button, engage in interactive conversation, and exchange information using multi-media content. It also allows companies to monitor visitors to their Web site and initiate a conversation. It is an excellent tool for low-cost pre-sales support and any kind of customer services over the Web.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] Freeware, OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: Chat, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] Freeware, OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: Chat, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
NewsForge: Small-Business Forms Using Scribus and PDF
"I am a small business owner, and like many self-employed Linux enthusiasts, I am constantly drawn to open source solutions to small business issues. Two months ago I migrated all of my office paperwork over to PDF format designed with the open source Scribus, and I haven't looked back. It's universally readable, there is no sacrifice on quality, and as a bonus I get to do my work in Linux.
"Because every business is different, some are going to have an easier time migrating their offices to Linux than others. Regardless of which industry a business is in, one of the most important migration issues they all have in common is document exchange..."
Complete Story
"Because every business is different, some are going to have an easier time migrating their offices to Linux than others. Regardless of which industry a business is in, one of the most important migration issues they all have in common is document exchange..."
Complete Story
Adobe Developer resources
These developer resources are designed to provide you with a single site in which to find detailed technical documentation, downloads, and all the other tools you need to extend the functionality of Adobe products or build them into your own solutions
yChat is an experimental, XML-configurable, HTML template-driven, fast, very portable, multi-platform, multi-threaded Web-based chat server daemon which uses multiplexing sockets and supports ncurses and text-based administration interfaces. It also supports MySQL and is compatible with almost all modern browsers that support frames and Javascript.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Console (Text Based) :: Curses, No Input/Output (Daemon)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP, IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Communications :: Chat, Communications :: Conferencing, Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Console (Text Based) :: Curses, No Input/Output (Daemon)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP, IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Communications :: Chat, Communications :: Conferencing, Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
Ringtone Tools
Ringtone Tools is a set of tools for creating ringtones and logos on mobile phones.
[License] Other/Proprietary License with Source
[Topic] Utilities
[License] Other/Proprietary License with Source
[Topic] Utilities
( hipergate) Open So urce CRM and GroupWare
Best of breed CRM suite including: sales automation, customer service, intranet, email marketing, content management, bug tracker, project manager, groupware, webmail, calendar, forums, file sharing and directory.
* Database Environment: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
* Intended Audience: Developers, Customer Service, Financial and Insurance Industry, Information Technology, Telecommunications Industry
* License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
* Operating System: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language), Linux, Win2K, WinXP
* Programming Language: Java, PL/SQL
* Topic: CRM, Scheduling
* Translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), English, German, Italian, Spanish
* User Interface: Web-based
Best of breed CRM suite including: sales automation, customer service, intranet, email marketing, content management, bug tracker, project manager, groupware, webmail, calendar, forums, file sharing and directory.
* Database Environment: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
* Intended Audience: Developers, Customer Service, Financial and Insurance Industry, Information Technology, Telecommunications Industry
* License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
* Operating System: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language), Linux, Win2K, WinXP
* Programming Language: Java, PL/SQL
* Topic: CRM, Scheduling
* Translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), English, German, Italian, Spanish
* User Interface: Web-based
Java checkstyle Tool
Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. Its purpose is to automate the process of checking Java code, and to spare humans of this task.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers, Quality Engineers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Quality Assurance
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers, Quality Engineers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Quality Assurance
Highlight is a universal converter from source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, XSL-FO, and XML. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It supports 100 programming languages and includes 50 highlighting color themes. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing database. The converter includes some features to provide a consistent layout of the input code.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Processing
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Processing
Gallery Mage
Gallery Mage is a client side photo gallery management system designed to work with online gallery display scripts such as SPGM. Using Gallery Mage, one can select, caption, rotate, crop, resize, and upload photos taken with a digital camera to an online photo gallery. The rotate, crop, and resize parameters are stored as text data with the images, and the operations are only performed on a copy of the photo while exporting, thus preserving the original picture files. Gallery Mage provides abstraction from the online display software.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy.
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