The pngslice utility : A tool for creating ragged images in HTML

The pngslice utility is a tool for creating ragged images in HTML: Eric Meyer's ragged floats. The idea is to slice the image into thin strips that are trimmed and stacked vertically. The program produces the trimmed PNG slices and a fragment of HTML to include them.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML


gumnut : A program to aid a group of people to perform cooperative decentralized decision making

gumnut is a program to aid a group of people to perform cooperative decentralized decision making. The text or GUI client can create, moderate, and display proposals over a decentralized communication network (currently gnutella). Proposals are text files with a simple naming convention that uses the filename to describe field attributes (such as topic and geographical location). Popular proposals are found by searching on one or more of these fields and then calculating the support for each proposal based on the number of occurrences on the network.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications


CreditCruncher : A program that uses the Monte Carlo method to compute the credit risk of large portfolios

CreditCruncher is a program that uses the Monte Carlo method to compute the credit risk of large portfolios in which assets are mortgages, loans, bonds, endorsements, or the like (all of them of fixed income with a policy buy/sell and hold). The default time is simulated using a gaussian copula, taking into account the transition matrix (or survival function) and sectorial correlation matrix defined by the user.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Office/Business :: Financial, Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics


Recoll : A personal full text desktop search tool based on Xapian

Recoll is a personal full text desktop search tool based on Xapian. It provides an easy to use, feature-rich, easy administration interface with a Qt-based GUI. Text, HTML, PDF, PostScript, MS Word, OpenOffice, Wordperfect, KWord, Abiword, maildir, and mailbox mail folder formats are supported, along with their compressed versions. Powerful query facilities are provided. Multiple character sets are supported, and internal processing and storage uses Unicode UTF-8. Stemming is performed at query time and the stemming language can be switched after indexing.

[Environment] X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris, Unix
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Information Management, Text Processing :: Indexing