- Licenses : GPL, BSD Original
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, OS Independent, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation : C
Argyll : An ICC compatible color management system
Argyll is an ICC compatible color management system. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, CMYK printers, and film recorders, and calibration and profiling of displays. Spectral sample data is supported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types, and paper fluorescent whitener additive compensation. Profiles can also incorporate source specific gamut mappings for perceptual and saturation intents. Gamut mapping and profile linking uses the CIECAM02 appearance model, a unique gamut mapping algorithm, and a wide selection of rendering intents. It also includes code for a fast 8-bit raster color conversion engine as well as support for fast, fully accurate 16-bit conversion. Device color gamuts can also be viewed and compared using a VRML viewer.
Social Networks Visualizer (SocNetV) : A flexible and user-friendly tool for the analysis and visualization of Social Networks

Social Networks Visualizer (SocNetV) is a flexible and user-friendly tool for the analysis and visualization of Social Networks. It lets you construct mathematical graphs with a few clicks on a virtual canvas, load networks of various formats (GraphViz, GraphML, Adjacency, Pajek, UCINET, etc), or create a network by crawling all links in a Web page. The application can compute basic network properties, such as density, diameter, and distances (shortest path lengths), as well as more advanced structural statistics, such as node and network centralities (i.e. closeness, betweenness, graph), clustering coefficient, etc.
- Licenses : GPL GPLv3
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
Fotoxx : A program for improving digital photos
Fotoxx is a program for improving digital photos. Navigate large image collections using a pageable window of thumbnails. Create HDR (high dynamic range) images by combining bright and dark images to improve detail in both bright and dark areas. Create panoramas by joining overlapped images. Adjust brightness and color intensity independently for different underlying brightness levels. Rotate an image (level a tilted image or turn 90 degrees). Remove red eyes from electronic flash photos. Sharpen, resize, crop, reduce noise, and change color depth. Warp an image by dragging the mouse. Edit tags/keywords and search images by date or tags.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
- Implementation : C++
Pinot : Personal search and metasearch for the Free Desktop

Pinot is a D-Bus service that crawls, indexes your documents, and monitors them for changes. It is also a GTK-based user interface that enables you to query the index built by the service or your favorite Web engine, and display and analyze the results. It makes full use of advanced indexing and search facilities offered by Xapian, features language detection, dynamic document summaries, easy labelling of documents, and internal support for common file types. The D-Bus interface allows easy integration with other applications.
- Implementation : C++
Padre : An IDE for Perl developers
Padre is an IDE for Perl developers. It provides syntax highlighting for many languages, but for Perl it also provides refactoring tools.
- Licenses : Perl
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation : Perl
FxMovieManager : A file manager which can display thumbnails of movie files
FxMovieManager is a file manager which can display thumbnails of movie files. It can also manage a playlist of movies and act as a simple front-end to MPlayer.
- Licenses : Public Domain
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
- Implementation : C++
Imagination : A lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker

Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker. It includes transitions effects. It requires only the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application.
The OpenSource IPsec-based VPN Solution for Linux

strongSwan is a complete IPsec and IKEv1 implementation for Linux 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. It also fully supports the new IKEv2 protocol with Linux 2.6 kernels. It interoperates in both IKEv1 and IKEv2 mode with most other IPsec-based VPN products. The focus of the strongSwan project is on strong authentication mechanisms using X.509 public key certificates and optional secure storage of private keys on smartcards through a standardized PKCS#11 interface. A unique feature is the use of X.509 attribute certificates to implement advanced access control schemes based on group memberships.
- Licenses: GPL
- Operating Systems: POSIX, Linux
- Implementation: C
SLiteChat : An in-world text-only local chat/instant messaging client for Second Life
SLiteChat is an in-world text-only local chat/instant messaging client for Second Life. Features include friends list management (accept/reject friending requests), local chat, and instant messages.
- Licenses: GPLv2
- Operating Systems: Unix, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation: C++
Scalable OpenGroupware.org (SOGo) is a project derived from OpenGroupware.Org (OGo) with scalability in mind

Scalable OpenGroupware.org (SOGo) is a project derived from OpenGroupware.Org (OGo) with scalability in mind. The Inverse edition of this project has many feature enhancements: CalDAV and GroupDAV compliance, full handling of vCard as well as vCalendar/iCalendar formats, and support for folder sharing and ACLs. The Web interface has been rewritten in an AJAX fashion to provided a faster UI for the users, consistency in look and feel with the Mozilla applications, and to reduce the load of the transactions on the server.
- Licenses: GPL
- Operating Systems: OS Independent
- Implementation: Objective C, JavaScript
Halyard : A scriptable multimedia engine with support for video, audio, graphics, and user interaction
Halyard is a scriptable multimedia engine with support for video, audio, graphics, and user interaction. It currently runs on Windows, and has a preliminary Macintosh port. It is based on PLT Scheme, wxWidgets, and the Quake 2 Engine. It includes a rudimentary IDE based on Scintilla.
- Licenses: GPL
- Operating Systems: Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation: C++, Scheme
otl : Text processor for generating custom markup from plain text supplemented with lightweight markup

otl is a text processor for generating custom markup from plain text supplemented with lightweight markup. Much of both the input and output formats can be customized. HTML output, along with experimental DocBook and LaTeX output implementations, are included. otl supports complex structures such as nested ordered and unordered lists, headers and footers, and tables.
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop
- License : GNU General Public License (GPL)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)
- Programming Language : Perl
- Topic : Text Processing
- User Interface : Command-line
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