EMIPLIB is a library to facilitate the development of programs that need to stream several kinds of media over IP. The library consists of several kinds of components that can be linked together in various ways, thereby providing a flexible framework. It also provides some ready-to-use classes for the transmission of audio and video over IP. Streams originating from the same participant can be synchronized.
The name EMIPLIB stands for 'EDM Media over IP libray'. This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM), a research institute of the Hasselt University. As the name suggests, the goal of the library is to make it easier to stream several kinds of media, including (but not limited to) audio and video.
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Communications, Software Development :: Libraries
libircclient : A small but powerful library that implements the client-server IRC protocol
libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client-server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable, and compatible with RFC standards and most IRC clients. It includes multi-threading support, sync and async interfaces, CTCP and DCC support, and color support. Good documentation and examples are available.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat, Software Development :: Libraries
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat, Software Development :: Libraries
SisIYA : A system monitoring tool
SisIYA is a system monitoring tool. You can monitor your Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows machines, switches, Airports, printers, UPSs, power switches, etc. Main development is done on Linux.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: AIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: AIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: BSD/OS, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: HP-UX, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
True3D*Shell : An open source 3D desktop environment
True3D*Shell is an open source 3D desktop environment that allows users to experience 3D browsing in a virtual reality universe where information is organized in 'bubbles' connected by 'pipes'. It is based on POSIX, Win32, OpenGL, FreeGLUT, and MQ4CPP, and runs on IA32 and IA64 SMP platforms. A user can browse local and remote filesystems and download and run selected files. It includes a robot mode that allows you to browse automatically.
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
PCMan File Manager is a very fast and lightweight file manager which features tabbed browsing.
PCMan File Manager is a very fast and lightweight file manager which features tabbed browsing.
[Environment] X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Desktop Environment, Desktop Environment :: File Managers, Desktop Environment :: Tools
Dependencies: [change]
[Environment] X11 Applications, X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Desktop Environment, Desktop Environment :: File Managers, Desktop Environment :: Tools
Dependencies: [change]
PlainDoc : A document production system based on plain text files
PlainDoc is a document production system based on plain text files. It keeps most of the document in human readable form - the PlainDoc source itself serves as the plain text version of the document. It handles EPS, gnuplot, dia diagrams, tables, and verbatim text, uses LaTeX for PDF production, and can produce monolithic or paginated HTML and DocBook natively. Includes are supported. The file format is CVS friendly and easily diffable. It is suitable for software manuals and documentation, technical publishing, scientific papers, books, legal documents, and presentation slides.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Documentation, Printing, Software Development :: Documentation, Text Processing, Text Processing :: Markup :: DocBook, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Documentation, Printing, Software Development :: Documentation, Text Processing, Text Processing :: Markup :: DocBook, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML, Text Processing :: Markup :: TeX/LaTeX
AWFFull : A Web server log analysis program, forked from Webalizer
AWFFull is a Web server log analysis program, forked from Webalizer. It adds a number of new features and improvements, such as extended frontpage history, resizable graphs, and a few more pie charts.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] C, Perl
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] C, Perl
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
SSH Filesystem uses the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), which is supported by most SSH servers
SSH Filesystem uses the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), which is supported by most SSH servers. It is based on Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE), and hence root privilege is not required for mounting a remote filesystem. No setup is necessary and it is very easy to use.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), System :: Filesystems
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), System :: Filesystems
XmlAutoIndex : A module for Apache HTTP Server that browses your directories and produces output in XML
XmlAutoIndex is a module for Apache HTTP Server that browses your directories and produces output in XML. The aim of this project is to replace mod_autoindex in Apache, separating data from design. XSLT can be used to translate the XML into HTML, SVG, or XUL, for example. You can make your own theme by updating an XSL style sheet and without ever touching the core engine. Using appropriate plugins, you can show pictures, videos, and music.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
The SlimPeer client : A fully PeerCast compatible but small, fast, and easy to use peer
The SlimPeer client is a fully PeerCast compatible but small, fast, and easy to use peer that can be used for replaying peercast:// streams without the need to perform complex and difficult configurations. After installation, all PeerCast P2P streams can be replayed immediately.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
The FIRST DiskImager : An advanced, full-featured GUI disk image acquisition tool
The FIRST DiskImager is an advanced, full-featured GUI disk image acquisition tool. It was designed for forensic disk image inspection.
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] Freeware
[Operating System] POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Security, System, System :: Filesystems, System :: Hardware, System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux, System :: Recovery Tools
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] Freeware
[Operating System] POSIX, Unix
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Security, System, System :: Filesystems, System :: Hardware, System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux, System :: Recovery Tools
TaskJuggler : A modern and powerful project management tool
TaskJuggler is a modern and powerful project management tool. Its new approach to project planning and tracking is far superior to the commonly used Gantt chart editing tools. It has already been successfully used in many projects and scales easily to projects with hundreds of resources and thousands of tasks. It covers the complete spectrum of project management tasks from the first idea to the completion of the project. It assists you during project scoping, resource assignment, cost and revenue planing, and risk and communication management.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Topic] Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Scheduling
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Topic] Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Scheduling
Honeyd : A small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network
Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services, and their TCP personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain versions of operating systems. Honeyd enables a single host to claim multiple addresses on a LAN for network simulation. It is possible to ping the virtual machines, or to traceroute them. Any type of service on the virtual machine can be simulated according to a simple configuration file. Instead of simulating a service, it is also possible to proxy it to another machine.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] Internet, System :: Monitoring
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD, POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Topic] Internet, System :: Monitoring
MP3 Splitter
MP3 Splitter is a simple program to split MP3s into segments of user-specified size.
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows CE, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, Unix
[Programming Language] C++, Visual Basic
[Topic] Multimedia :: Sound/Audio, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows CE, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, Unix
[Programming Language] C++, Visual Basic
[Topic] Multimedia :: Sound/Audio, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion
The seccure toolset implements a selection of asymmetric algorithms based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)
The seccure toolset implements a selection of asymmetric algorithms based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). In particular, it offers public key encryption / decryption, signature generation / verification and key establishment. ECC schemes offer a much better key size to security ratio than classical systems (RSA, DSA). Keys are short enough to make direct specification of keys on the command line possible (sometimes this is more convenient than the management of PGP-like key rings). seccure builds on this feature and therefore is the tool of choice whenever lightweight asymmetric cryptography -- independent of key servers, revocation certificates, the Web of Trust, or even configuration files -- is required.
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography
Check Website : A performance monitoring and uptime notification tool
Check Website is a performance monitoring and uptime notification tool. It will check if a Website is up, and check the response time of the site. The administrator can then choose to receive an email notification if the site is down, or if the site response time is too slow. All results are also written to a daily log file.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: Other, Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking :: Monitoring
Prasi : A single-sign-on system for Perl or PHP scripts, similar to MS Passport
Prasi is a single-sign-on system for Perl or PHP scripts, similar to MS Passport. All your enabled Web services can save and share user profile data, and need not be on the same physical server. It is available in nine languages.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Perl, PHP
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Perl, PHP
Webalizer Xtended : An extension of Webalizer
Webalizer Xtended is an extension of Webalizer which adds a number of features and improvements, such as monthly statistics for all "404 Not Found" errors, including the number of the "404 Not Found" requests and the corresponding 404 URLs. Furthermore, all colors of the statistics can be defined by the user. It also fixes several (security-related) bugs in the original Webalizer code and contains the Geolizer patch to generate faster and more reliable geographic statistics than the default DNS suffix method.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: Linux, Unix
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis
Amanda : A popular network backup and archiving software
Amanda is a popular network backup and archiving software that protects multiple machines running various versions of Linux, Unix, and Microsoft Windows operating systems. It supports tapes, disks, optical media, and changers.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Topic] System :: Archiving :: Backup
[Environment] X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Topic] System :: Archiving :: Backup
xmlroff : A fast, multilingual, multi-platform XSL formatter that transforms XSL-FO documents into PDF

xmlroff is a fast, multilingual, multi-platform XSL formatter that transforms XSL-FO documents (or any XML with an appropriate XSL stylesheet) into PDF or PostScript. It aims to excel at DocBook formatting, and it integrates easily with other programs and with scripting languages.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Printing, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
LON-CAPA (The LearningOnline Network with CAPA) : A learning content and course management system
LON-CAPA (The LearningOnline Network with CAPA) is a learning content and course management system. It offers an underlying shared content pool from which instructors across departmental and institutional boundaries can assemble granular learning content for their courses. It has strong assessment capabilities, both formative (homework and in-class using wireless PDAs) and summative (online and bubblesheet exams), with a one-source multiple-target strategy for the content. It offers students portfolio space in which they can stage materials for submission to projects, and provides a number of tools for synchronous and asynchronous student-student and student-faculty communication. LON-CAPA scales well with number of students, as load-balancing is possible across the whole network of servers at participating institutions.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] Freeware, OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, JavaScript, Perl
[Topic] Education, Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), Education :: Testing
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] Freeware, OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, JavaScript, Perl
[Topic] Education, Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), Education :: Testing
GrabTheMic : A clone of Digg written in Ruby on Rails
GrabTheMic is a clone of Digg written in Ruby on Rails.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Ruby
[Topic] Communications
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Ruby
[Topic] Communications
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