The CvsGui project is providing several high-end interface clients (WinCvs, MacCvs, gCvs) written in C++ using popular frameworks (MFC, PowerPlant, GTK+) with a scripting support via Python or TCL.
# ntended Audience: Developers, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
# License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
# Operating System: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All BSD Platforms (FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/Apple Mac OS X), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms), Linux, Solaris, Win2K, WinXP
# Programming Language: C, C++, Python, Tcl
# Topic: CVS
ClaSS: ClaSS Student System

ClaSS (ClaSS Student System) is a complete student tracking, reporting, and information management system. It is integrated with a curriculum content management and publishing application and extends the reach of traditional school information systems by using the latest in Web-application methodologies. It aims to be the ubiquitous classroom information assistant for schools.
[Environment] Web Mozilla
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] JavaScript, PHP, SQL
[Topic] Education, Information Management
STuNT: Web-based ticketing system
STuNT is a Web-based ticketing system that was built with simplicity and ease of use in mind. It was designed to facilitate the work of support technicians and customers' technicians while avoiding the addition of another layer of bureaucracy.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Information Management :: Issue Tracking
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Unix
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Information Management :: Issue Tracking
Sympa: A scalable and highly customizable mailing list software

Sympa is a scalable and highly customizable mailing list software. It can cope with big lists (780,000 subscribers), and it comes with a complete Web interface for both the user and the administrator. It is internationalized. Sites can customize Web and mail templates, authentication backends, and authorization scenarios. Dynamic mailing lists can use multiple backends (LDAP, SQL, files, lists, or others). Sympa is the only S/MIME enabled mailing list software, and it provides both authentication and encryption.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers, Communications :: File Sharing
LiveSupport: A radio playout and automation system
LiveSupport is a radio playout and automation system. It enables radio stations to automate their broadcasts by using playlists that are scheduled for airing. Playlists can contain music, talk, or even other playlists. A Web interface is included, so radio station personnel can manage the the station's broadcasts remotely.
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++, JavaScript, PHP, SQL
[Topic] Multimedia :: Sound/Audio

Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).
# License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
# Operating System: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux, Solaris
# Programming Language: C++
# Topic: Desktop Environment
Open Administration for Schools (OAfS): A Web-based school administration package

Open Administration for Schools (OAfS) is a Web-based school administration package. Open Admin does demographics, attendance, discipline, report cards, and has an online gradebook and parent viewing function. It is designed for elementary, K-12, and small high schools. It generates plain HTML and uses LaTeX for PDF generation. It also includes special education and division-wide central office modules (all schools run on the same server with different virtual sites; two sites per school, one for teachers, and one for the office). Parent functions are by separate parent/school site.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Education
MateEdit: An editor which allows documents to be altered by multiple users simultaneously
MateEdit lets you share your documents with friends across a network. MateEdit is an editor which allows documents to be altered by multiple users simultaneously. It features different colors and icons for each participant, a chat room to coordinate changes, and color highlighting for all changes to show contributions from other participants.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Editors
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Editors
Hyper Estraier: A full-text search system

Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system. It can be used as a Web search engine, mailbox searching, etc. It features high performance searching, high scalability of target documents, a perfect recall ratio by the N-gram method, phrase searching, attribute searching, and similarity searching. Multilingualism is supported with Unicode. It is independent of file format and repository, and has a simple and powerful API.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search, Software Development :: Libraries, Text Processing :: Indexing
TaskJuggler: A project management tool for Linux and Unix

TaskJuggler is a project management tool for Linux and Unix system-based operating systems. Projects can be defined in a simple text format, listing tasks and their dependencies. Reports are returned in HTML or XML format. TaskJuggler does not only honor the task interdependencies but also takes resource constrains into account. Using its powerful filtering and reporting algorithms, the user can create task lists, resource usage tables, status reports, project calendars, and project accounting statements.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), X11 Applications :: Qt
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Topic] Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Scheduling
MlView: A tree-oriented XML editor for GNOME

MlView is a tree-oriented XML editor for GNOME. It is written in C++ and is heavily based on gtkmm and the GNOME libraries. Its aim is to ease XML editing, with or without validation.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: XML
CPAINT: Cross-Platform Asynchronous INterface Toolkit

[Environment] Web Environment, Web Mozilla
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] ASP, JavaScript, PHP
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML

Serendipity is a Weblog application which aims at giving you an easy way to maintain your own individual diary or personal homepage. It ships with a variety of plugins to plug-and-play with your blog.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, OS Independent, POSIX :: BSD, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Communications, Information Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary

CRM-CTT allows you to create entities to which you can attach files, place alerts, prioritize, etc. It is multi-lingual and customizable. It can be used for any department in which something comes in, must be handled, and goes out, such as bug tracking, systems management (including assets) or helpdesk call tracking. It creates management information and exports in PDF and Excel, and reports and invoices in RTF format. Installation is done using a simple script, and a clear manual is included. It's available in all major languages.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Information Management :: Document Repositories, Information Management :: Issue Tracking, Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Office/Business, Office/Business :: Groupware, Office/Business :: Office Suites, Office/Business :: Scheduling

Citadel is an advanced messaging and collaboration system for groupware and BBS applications. Users can connect to Citadel using any telnet, WWW, or client software. Among the features supported are public and private message bases (rooms), electronic mail, real-time chat, paging, shared calendaring, address books, mailing lists, and more. Unlike other collaboration servers, Citadel provides its own data stores and is therefore extremely easy to install; you don't have to "bring your own" email and database because they're built in. The server is multithreaded and scalable. In addition, SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 servers are built-in for easy connection to Internet mail. Citadel is both robust and mature; it has been in production since 1987.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: BBS, Communications :: Chat, Communications :: Email, Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents, Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers, Communications :: Email :: Post-Office, Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP, Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3

SysCP (System Control Panel) is an ISP server management tool for Web-based administration of a Web server (Apache), mail server (Postfix, Courier), FTP server (ProFTPd), database (MySQL), and nameserver (Bind).
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, System :: Systems Administration
Kat is a framework for KDE designed to index files. Metadata, full text, and thumbnails are extracted from documents, images, MP3 and other media allowing for quick and accurate information retrieval. It is similar to the Windows applications WhereIsIt and Google Desktop Search.
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE), Information Management :: Metadata/Semantic Models
[Environment] X11 Applications :: KDE
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE), Information Management :: Metadata/Semantic Models
Devolution Security: Video sSurveillance System for Linux based systems
Devolution Security is a video surveillance system for Linux based systems. It supports up to 16 cameras and features unicast and multicast broadcasting, a Web interface, an X11 interface, themes, motion detection, record on motion, eight different camera layouts, camera cycling, fullscreen mode, and more. Devolution Security uses its own toolkit (dtk).
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Video :: Capture, Security
[Environment] X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Video :: Capture, Security
GForge: Web-based collaborative development environment

GForge is a Web-based collaborative development environment. It's based on a fork of the 2.61 SourceForge code, which used to be available via anonymous CVS from VA Software, but has been extensively rewritten and enhanced.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Office/Business :: Groupware, Software Development :: Bug Tracking
Gobby is a free collaborative editor based on libobby, a library which provides synced document buffers. It supports multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Communications, Software Development :: Libraries
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Communications, Software Development :: Libraries
Cryptosync is tool that makes compressed and encrypted incremental backups. That way, one can efficiently copy the files to another location with normal rsync. Not only are the file contents encrypted, but also the filename, mode, owner, and group information are stored encrypted.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography, System :: Archiving :: Backup
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography, System :: Archiving :: Backup
Network Pipemeter
Network Pipemeter is a tool for measuring available bandwidth between hosts. It is also useful to generate network traffic for testing purposes. It operates in client/ server mode, is able to handle multiple parallel traffic streams, reports periodic partial statistics along the testing, and supports IPv6.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] System :: Networking
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] System :: Networking
Fenice is a multimedia streaming server compliant with the IETF's standards for real-time streaming of multimedia contents over Internet. It implements RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol, RFC2326) and RTP/RTCP (Real-Time Transport Protocol/RTP Control Protocol, RFC3550) with RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control (RFC3551). It is the official streaming server for the Open Media Streaming Project.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet, Multimedia
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet, Multimedia
Xorcom Rapid
Xorcom Rapid is a Debian-based distribution for installing Asterisk. It includes an auto-install and special auto-configuration features. It quickly and effortlessly converts any PC to a functioning Asterisk PBX.
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Topic] Communications :: Fax, Communications :: Internet Phone, Communications :: Telephony, System :: Operating System :: Linux Distributions
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Topic] Communications :: Fax, Communications :: Internet Phone, Communications :: Telephony, System :: Operating System :: Linux Distributions
DrQueue: distributed rendering queue

DrQueue is a distributed rendering queue. It helps manage jobs on a render farm. It works under Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, IRIX, and Windows, supports Maya, Blender, Lightwave, Mental Ray, Bmrt (Renderman), 3Delight, and Pixie out of the box, and can support any other renderer or computing task that can be handled via scripting.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), MacOS X, No Input/Output (Daemon), Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications :: GTK
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Other Audience, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Cygwin, POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD, POSIX :: IRIX, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, C++
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering, System :: Clustering/Distributed Networks
EverCrack: cryptanalysis engine
EverCrack is a cryptanalysis engine. The overall design goal is to systematically break down complex ciphers into their simplex components for cryptanalysis (by the kernel). The kernel consists of an algebraic design (comparison and reduction) for breaking uniliteral, monoalphabetic ciphers instantaneously. Currently, it can break a 500-word cipher in less than 500 miliseconds. EverCrack currently has multi-language support for the user interface and cracking encryption in other language dictionaries (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, and Portuguese).
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography
[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Security :: Cryptography
Mbuni: Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) gateway (or MMSC)

Mbuni is a Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) gateway (or MMSC). It aims to provide a complete platform for MMS messaging, with support for phone-to-phone, phone-to-email, phone-to-VAS, and other types of communication.
[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Communications :: Telephony
Codestriker: A Web application that supports online code reviews

Codestriker is a Web application that supports online code reviews. Traditional document reviews are supported, as well as reviewing diffs generated by an SCM (Source Code Management) system and plain unidiff patches. There are integration points with CVS, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, Visual SourceSafe, and Bugzilla. There is a plug-in architecture for supporting other SCMs and issue tracking systems. It minimizes paper work, ensures that issues, comments, and decisions are recorded in a database, and provides a comfortable workspace for actually performing code inspections. An optional highly-configurable metrics subsystem allows you to record code inspection metrics as a part of your process.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries, Software Development, Software Development :: Bug Tracking, Software Development :: Quality Assurance, Software Development :: Version Control, Software Development :: Version Control :: CVS, Utilities

CuteFlow is a Web-based document circulation tool. Users are able to define "documents", which are sent step-by-step to every user in a list. It provides an electronic method for doing internal document circulations.
[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] PHP
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: Email, Information Management, Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Office/Business :: Groupware

XmlBlaster is XML based MOM (Message oriented Middleware) with a lot of features. It is a publish/subscribe and point-to-point MOM server which exchanges XML-encoded messages. Communication with the server is based on CORBA (using JacORB), RMI, XML-RPC, native socket, or a persistent HTTP plugin. Subscribers can use XPath expressions to filter the messages they wish to receive and add their own MIME-based filter plugins. C/C++, Java, Perl, Python,, C#, and PHP client demos are included in the xmlBlaster test suite, and Tcl and Python demo clients are scheduled. XmlBlaster also provides a browser callback framework, allowing browsers (Netscape, Mozilla, MSIE) to receive instant callbacks over a persistent http connection. A security plugin framework allows authentication/authorization in many ways. Currently there are LDAP- and passwd-based plugins available.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Tcl
[Topic] Other/Nonlisted Topic, Security, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: Object Brokering, Software Development :: Object Brokering :: CORBA, System :: Networking, Utilities
XML User Profiles is a system that allows for remote and transferable user accounts. The file format is a lightweight but flexible vCard transformation that allows better profile sharing and simpler implementations than FOAF. The current specification and a few sample implementations in PHP are provided. The library currently allows for authentication against the simple LOGIN interface or the Drupal XML-RPC service in addition to the distributed and strong authentication LID-1.0 and OpenID-0.0 single-sign-on systems.
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] Public Domain
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] Public Domain
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
Hyper Estraier: A full-text search system

Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system. It can be used as a Web search engine, mailbox searching, etc. It features high performance searching, high scalability of target documents, a perfect recall ratio by the N-gram method, phrase searching, attribute searching, and similarity searching. Multilingualism is supported with Unicode. It is independent of file format and repository, and has a simple and powerful API.
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX
[Programming Language] C
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search, Software Development :: Libraries, Text Processing :: Indexing
XMLDiff aims at providing efficient diffs on XML files. Features include detection of modified items, added items, and removed items. It is not sensitive to item position changes (based on an ID). It is designed to support large XML files (about 100 Mo). It has basic XML manipulation (XSLT, deletion, etc.), scripting capabilities, and simple command line usage.
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
[Environment] Console (Text Based), Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C++
[Topic] Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT
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