Steal My Business Model

If open-source software is supposed to be free, how the heck does anyone selling it make any money? (Don't give me a funny look. You'd be surprised at how often I hear that.) Here's a hint: It's not that different from how other software companies make money...


OOo Off the Wall: Getting in the Frame

The more complex your documents, however, the more you should know about how to use frame styles. The number of options available are extensive enough that you can fine-tune a frame's look and behavior almost as much as you can in a desktop publishing program. You even can add blank frames (also called text frames) and arrange them so that text flows automatically from one frame to another. This feature allows the automation of complicated layouts, such as folded brochures or newsletters in which a story begins on one page and ends on the next. Beyond a doubt, knowing how to format text frames can give your document design an extra edge...


UserLinux: An Important Step

Going open source: A manager's guide to doing it right

...The choice to release software to open source is based on one of two very general reasons: either to gain a marketing benefit, or to gain a software development benefit. The marketing benefit derives from the fact that open source software is freely available ("free" as in beer). The development benefit derives from the fact that the source is freely modifiable and redistributable ("free" as in speech). Some open source releases involve a gray area, where both marketing effects and development effects come into play...


Running a Successful Open Source Project

Ever have a really cool project or program you wanted to share with the world? Concerned and worried about how to do it right? Or have you already released a project only to find no one cared? Ever wonder what went wrong?...




行動後檢討(After Action Reviews, AARs)
  1. 應該發生什麼是?
  2. 實際發生什麼事?
  3. 為什麼會有差異?
  4. 我們可以從中學到什麼以及如何改進?

是 一種更複雜的事後檢討方式,幾乎完全是事後學習。在回溯過程中,專案專與者聚集在一起,討論那些部分作得不錯,那些部分作得不夠好,並且試著摘要出他們 所學到的知識,這個時候主持人除了要確保討論內容的明確性,另外還必須注意可以學習的部分有那些,責難他人不是重點。回溯通常會做成書面資料。



Implementing Full Text Indexing with PostgreSQL

Although PostgreSQL is, in my opinion, the most capable open source database available, it does have its drawbacks. One such drawback is that PostgreSQL doesn't include full text indexing as part of the core distribution. However, as with any good open source project, the PostgreSQL community has contributed many useful modules—and one such module is TSearch2.