
Superversion is a multi-user distributed version control system based on change sets. It aims to be an industrial-strength, open source alternative to commercial solutions that is equally easy to use (or even easier) and similarly powerful. In fact, intuitive and efficient usability has been one of the top priorities in Superversion's development from the very beginning.


Gaim-Encryption provides transparent RSA encryption as a Gaim plugin using the Mozilla NSS libraries. Key sizes up to 4096 bits are supported. It works with Gaim on most platforms, including Windows. Keys are automatically generated, transmitted, and saved.



Nodezilla is a secured, distributed, and fault tolerant routing system (or grid network) that supports distributed services such as file sharing, chat, efficient video multicast streaming, and secured file storage. It provides cache features where any server may create a local replica of any data object. These local replicas provide faster access and robustness to network partitions, and reduce network congestion by localizing access traffic. To ensure data protection, redundancy and cryptographic techniques are used.


NewsForge: Basic Button-Pushing with OpenOffice.org Macros

"OpenOffice.org is gaining popularity in the corporate mainstream, yet one of its most powerful features, macros, can be pretty intimidating to new users. Let's see how easy it is to create an OpenOffice.org macro and connect it to a simple pushbutton.

"There are two ways to create a macro in OOo. One is to use OpenOffice.org Basic to write the macro. The other is to use the macro recorder. That will be the approach we focus on..."

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The OpenAMF Project is an open-source alternative to MM's Java Flash Remoting. The project's goal is to produce a program which is much more capable of providing application services to SWF clients than the proprietary MM solution. This project began as a Java port of amfphp.


minisip is a SIP VoIP soft phone that implements additional security features such as mutual authentication, encryption and integrity of on-going calls, and encryption of the signaling (SIP over TLS). These security features use work-in-progress IETF standards (SRTP and MIKEY).


Free Educational Software GCompris

GCompris is a complete educational suite for children from 2 to 10 years old. It includes more than 60 activities. It offers activities dedicated to little kids like learning the mouse and keybord. It teaches letters, numbers, words, basic algebra training, reading time on an analog clock, vector drawing, and much more.


BlogBridge is a new kind of Blog reader. It is designed to allow non-technical users to discover, follow, and enjoy literally hundreds of RSS feeds without losing their minds.


The OPEN-XCHANGE Collaboration and Integration Server Environment allows you to store appointments, contacts, tasks, email messages, bookmarks, documents, and many more elements and share them with other users. This environment can be accessed with any modern Web browser and multiple fat clients like KDE Kontact, Ximian Evolution, Konqueror, Mozilla Calendar, and many more. Every third-party product can access this application over many different interfaces, such as WebDAV (XML), LDAP, iCal, and HTTP(S). This makes OPEN-XCHANGE a powerful product which can be used in many different business and private areas.


Javascript DB

Javascript DB is a minimal database engine that provides SQL for JavaScript environments. All information is stored only in memory.

Open Enterprise Platform

he Open Enterprise (OP/EN) website is the official location for access to all of Uversa Inc.'s Open Source software projects, source code, community forums, API and user documentation.



Some would call TreeLine an Outliner, others would call it a PIM. Basically, it just stores almost any kind of information. A tree structure makes it easy to keep things organized. And each node in the tree can contain several fields, forming a mini-database. The output format for each node can be defined, and the output can be shown on the screen, printed, or exported to html.


Online Recruitment Agency

Online Recruitment Agency is Web-based recruitment agency software. You can manage all of your recruitment efforts on your Web site, and set up job locations, categories, departments, and job titles from the Web interface as an admin user. Regular users can then add/edit/delete jobs. The public interface can be very easily customized to your site design using templates. On the public page, potential employees can search the job listings or view by category or department.


Integrate Cocoon with PostgreSQL for XML-driven Apps

"Cocoon is a powerful tool for publishing content to multiple formats from XML. It can be used for static content, but its most powerful application is publishing dynamically generated XML streams. The XML streams can come from database information wrapped in XML tags, from XHTML Web site content from a remote site (as would be common in portal integration), from Web services, or from a multitude of other sources.

"This article describes how to integrate Cocoon with PostgreSQL, a leading open source database. Once you learn how to access PostgreSQL data (or any other relational database) from Cocoon, you can develop robust XML-driven applications with a relational backend. Think about it: XML is highly structured data; relational databases store highly structured data--it's a natural fit..."

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